Meine lieben Studenten!


Hier bin ich wieder!

Here I am again.


IV. Das Sakrament der heiligen Taufe

IV. The Sacrament of the holy Baptism.


Das Sakrament -- sacrament -- neuter noun -- both German and English words come from the Latin word "sacramentum," used to translate "mysterion" in such NT passages as 1 Cor. 4:1.

der -- of the -- feminine dative singular.

heilig -- holy -- cognates. "en" is an ending.

die Taufe -- Baptism -- feminine noun.

NB: While English adapts the Greek word, German uses a Germanic word for this Sacrament. In an early writing, Luther traced "Taufe" back to the adjected "tief," "deep." But that is highly uncertain.


Zum ersten.

To the first.


zum is a contraction of zu dem -- to the; zu is a preposition taking the dative case.


Was ist die Taufe?

What is the Baptism?




Die Taufe ist nicht allein schlecht Wasser,

The Baptism is not only plain/mere water,


sondern sie ist das Wasser

rather it is the water


in Gottes Gebot gefasst

in God's command contained


und mit Gottes Word verbunden.

and with God's Word connected (bound).


schlecht - mere, plain, simple.

Note: Here "schlecht" is NOT the modern word "schlecht," which means "bad, evil, wicked." It is an old form of the modern word "schlicht," which has the meaning indicated. In modern German, the ending "es" would be added: schlichtes Wasser (Wasser is neuter).

gefasst -- contained, grasped -- past participle of fassen.

verbunden -- connected, bound -- past participle of verbinden.


Welches ist denn solch Wort Gottes?

Which is then such Word of God?


Note: Modern German would have "solches"





Da unser HErr Christus spricht Matthaei am letzten:

Where our LORD Christ speaks Matther at the last (chapter):


Gehet hin in alle Welt, lehret alle Heiden

Go thither into all the world, teach all heathens


und taufet sie im Namen des Vaters und

and baptize them in the name of the Father and


des Sohnes und des Heligen Geistes.

of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.


Da - there -- adverb -- used here as we would use "where"

HErr -- LORD -- captilized to indicate "Jehovah"

spricht -- speaks -- third person singular present indicative from sprechen.

am -- contraction of an dem -- in the.

Gehet, lehret, taufet -- all second person plural imperative (command) from gehen/go; lehren/teach; taufen/baptize.

in alle Welt -- into all the world -- alle is accusative, so in means "into"; in aller Welt (dative) would mean: "in all the world."

die Heiden -- the heathen -- cognates; corresponds to goyim in Hebrew and ethne in Greek.

Note: die Heide is "heath" or "heather." Der Heide, die Heidin is the heathen or pagan person (male, female).

im Name -- in the name -- im is a contraction of in dem.



Zum andern

To the second


Was gibt oder nuetzt die Taufe?

What gives or benefits the Baptism?


gibt -- from geben -- to give -- cognates -- third person singular indicative present.

nuetzt -- from nuetzen -- to benefit, to be ouf use -- third person singular indicative present.


Sie wirkt Vergebung der Suenden,

It works forgiveness of the sins,


erloest vom Tod und Teufel

releases from death and devil,


und gibt die ewige Seligkeit allen,

and gives the everlasting salvation to all


die es glauben,

who it believe,


wie die Worte und Verheissungen Gottes lauten.

as the words and promises of God say.


sie -- she/it -- Taufe is a feminine noun

wirkt -- works -- from werken -- cognates -- third person singular present indicative.

erloest -- free, releases -- from erloesen -- note that it contains the word "los," "loose" (Was ist los? What is loose? What's wrong?)

vom -- from the -- contraction of von dem

ewig -- eternal, everlasting.

die Seligkeit -- salvation, blessedness -- noun from "selig," blessed."

allen -- to all -- dative plural (which always ends in "n").

die es glauben -- who believe it -- relative clause -- verb at end.

wie -- as -- another subordinating conjunction -- verb at end.

die Worte -- note -- das Wort is "word" singular. It has two plurals: die Woerter are disconnected words -- so a dictionary is a Woerterbuch. But die Worte are words in context, in a meaningful connection. So if you're studying your vocabulary cards (and you should be doing so!), you're studying "Woerter." But you should be reading or speaking Worte.

lauten -- say -- literally "sound" Third person plural present indicative.



Welches sind solche Worte und Verheissungen Gottes?

Which are such words and promises of God?




Da unser HErr Christus spricht Marci am letzten:

There our Lord Christ says, Mark at the last [chapter}


Wer da glaubet und getauft wird,

He who there believes and baptized is,


der wird selig [werden];

he will blessed/saved [be],


wer aber nicht glaubet,

he who however not believes,


der wird verdamnt [werden].

he will damned [be].


Wer -- who -- used without "he" to mean what we mean by "he who"

werden means "become" and is also used as the helping verb for the passive.

Wird is third person singular indicative of werden.


Hier endet die zwoelfte Lektion.


Christo befohlen!


John M. "Herr Professor Pastor Doktor" Drueckhammer, Lakeview, Oregon

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